Discover Asia's Finest TRS Jeera Powder is an important Indian culinary spice and an ingredient of most curry powders. A distinctive and warming spice, Jeera is used in lamb and chicken dishes and gives extra flavor to rice and vegetables.
Cumin is one of the oldest spices and was already highly honored as a culinary seasoning in the cuisine of ancient Egypt. The taste of TRS Jeera (Cumin) Powder can be described as earthy nutty. This aromatic seasoning is an important component of Indian and Asian cuisine and is used in garam masala, masman, madras, vindaloo, and stews such as korma.
- Cumin powder, also called Jeera powder or Ground Cumin is a staple pantry ingredient in many cuisines.
- As the name suggests, ground cumin is made from cumin seeds.
- This is the main reason, making fresh ground cumin at home in small batches is best for cooking.